An extended trip to Texas last week for a variety of photo-shoots as well as work on my sister's new place (congratulations Jacklyn on your first apartment!), introduced me to this sweet couple with a very unique story. Billy, from San Antonio recently became a single dad just about the same time Kathy, from Houston, was made one as well by the sudden loss of her husband. Through a mutual friend, (my mom, no less! ["hi mom!"]), the two met last year and began a shy friendship that has now blossomed into that four letter word that binds you to someone forever - LOVE. It was adorable to watch Kathy get ready for her future groom-to-be as he made his way over to pick her up for a few portraits with her son and new daughter-in-law, as well as Billy's two children. She even asked me if I thought it was silly that knowing he was on his way gave her butterflies in her stomach. I didn't think so at all. In fact, I thought it was just downright sweet! I look forward to photographing this pair's wedding come November in San Antonio - they are a great match and will be a major blessing to all they come in contact with. Congratulations K&B on finding what some lose and never find again - true love!
I love photography and was blessed with the opportunity to turn it into a career just a short two years ago. I've heard many people say, "if you love something don't make a job out of it" but its not a job to me. In fact, I have had abundant, wonderful opportunities that never would have been possible had I not taken the steps that have brought me where I am today. I can't wait to hear from you and look forward to capturing you and your loved ones soon.
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