The following photographs only scratch the surface to some of the very cool shots we scored during Mandy's photo-op. When she asked me to schedule her for a shoot for cover-art to be featured on her debut EP, I was thrilled to also hear her give me full artistic license. So... I did just that and promise to share the actual album artwork just as soon as it's completed. In the meantime, keep your ears open for this girl. She has got real talent and I'm honored to have been a small part in her journey to stardom!
I think this may have been the biggest "headstart" on Senior portraits I've ever had but what a way to kick off the graduating class of 2011. With an incredibly sculpted pair of cheekbones (I would die to have!) amber colored eyes and chestnut curls, Brookley worked herself frame for frame and did a smashing job! I especially loved the fact that she rocked her pink birdcage hair-piece inside of an enormous water fountain - it is the clients up for anything that have the most fun and make the most amazing pictures. Have a peek and tell me if you don't agree.
I love photography and was blessed with the opportunity to turn it into a career just a short two years ago. I've heard many people say, "if you love something don't make a job out of it" but its not a job to me. In fact, I have had abundant, wonderful opportunities that never would have been possible had I not taken the steps that have brought me where I am today. I can't wait to hear from you and look forward to capturing you and your loved ones soon.