It has amazed me how much time has flown by since I first met the Alford family just a little over 4 years ago. This couple were always so kind and quick to smile and they had this seemingly shy little girl whom you never saw much of. But oh how things change! Anna is now fourteen years old. Her dark hair matches mom's but those twinkly green eyes are directly from dad whom I learned is a real clown on this photo-shoot. But this clown is going to have to get serious when it comes to watching out for his little girl. Anna is gonna be a true heart-breaker. Boys, eat your hearts out!
I've enjoyed the editing process on all of this wonderful couple's photographs from their engagement photos and the bridal portraits down to the last hand wave as their get-a-way car left the building. Courtney gave me full permission to be as creative as I like and so I am taking my liberty (and probably to her anxious, my time), on each and every frame. It was a beautiful but warm fall day in Houston, Texas for this sweet pair wedding and a bevy of both friends and family from in and out of state filled the white chairs to witness the occasion. Simple but elegant, relaxed but rich in style - this wedding had all the characteristics of the bride and groom who I've enjoyed getting to know throughout the whole process. Congratulations Courtney and Darren Rose!
The Dunaway house was the first location that came to mind when GiGi asked me about doing their family portraits this year. It is a beautiful and stately home with lovely landscaping amidst the changing fall trees. After helping the family decide who should wear what, I got Blake and Bryson to work on hauling out one of the media room chaise lounges for a settee on the front drive island so as to set the perfect backdrop for this family's photo-op. After a quick primping of her hair, sister Blythe soon joined us and a tad bit later, dad T.J. showed up too. I don't know of many parents who are so much in love with their children as T.J. and GiGi are with their three. Evidence of their affection is not only in the constant gifts I know their brood to receive, but more importantly in the support they consistently show along with public hugs and back-pats and how at any time you can find one of these kids with their head leaned up against mom or dad. They're great parents, great examples and in general just truly great people.
This photo-op took me out to the small town of Foxworth, MS where I was asked to shoot the Senior portraits of Channing Stringer. An all-state champion in track and field, Channing is not only a great athlete but a truly good guy. I learned all this as I got to enjoy a couple of hours while "shooting" him and his amazing smile (thanks to the recent removal of braces). Patty, Channing's mother, bragged on her only child and his level-headedness and good nature. I loved the personal touches of this shoot including Channing's class and championship rings, his brand new cherry red 4-wheeler and his pal, Dusty -the family spaniel. I was also thankful for the time "out-of-town" among the beautiful fall landscape and peaceful property and the company only made it better.
I chose this blog title because of the little redhead who started it all. It has been my distinct pleasure to have photographed little Sophia since before she was able to walk or talk. Now she does both and I was so glad to again be called by her mom Amanda to take the entire tribe's Christmas photos this year. (Grandpa, Grandma, Auntie and Cousins included...) What a truly beautiful family this is. From the moment you pull up to their amazing house you can feel the warmth of true comraderie among this group. I loved observing their interaction as they all teased each other and comfortably showed affection but the one who garnered more attention than all was the unique baby of the group with the midnight eyes, Sophia. On this Thanksgiving day as I attempt to catch up on my homework I've brought with me, I am reminded by these photos of my own family and how blessed I am to have them around me. Be thankful for those that love you today and tell them so. You never know what tomorrow will bring or how much they'll appreciate you putting a voice to your feelings for them.
These two babies are just gorgeous and were so easy to photograph. Little Olivia was full of personality and quite the chatter-box while little brother Alex kicked and cooed non-stop for each and every frame. Thanks Tandy (love their mom's name), for making the drive to Columbia to allow me the chance to add these sweet kids to my portfolio!
Shadoe is a character like none you're guaranteed to meet very often in life. I told her mother Zazzy on this particular photo-op that watching Shadoe and how she interacts with things is much like watching one of those spunky and mischievous little girls in movies like Harriett the Spy, Madeline, or Matilda. She is a brilliant little girl with a face identical to her mom's (something that I really noticed on this shoot)! Shadoe rocked her pink fedora while informing me that fuschia is now her signature color, donned a myriad of hats for this session and even brough along her favorite feline, Flicka to be photographed as well. I thoroughly enjoyed this late afternoon hour with these two Bourn women and love the resulting photos as well!
Emma is my second cousin and this photo-op was the very first time I was ever able to see her making this shoot a very special occasion. You see, her mother Jessica met Rusty a couple of years ago and after a mind-whirling-faster-than-the-speed-of-light- "courtship" they were married in his homestate of Michigan and have been living there ever since. This of course makes it more than a little difficult to see one another but the stars lined up perfectly on my last trip to TX and I was graced with the opportunity to spend a little bit of time with them. Jessica is an incredible wife and mother (with a second one already on the way!!) and blessed her daughter with beautiful eyes. Emma's smile however, is all her dad's from the way her nose and eyes crinkle up to the way the bow in her top lip bends when she's giving the camera her full-on cheese. After this short shoot was finished, Jessica and I rode through our little hometown of Huffman and re-lived the memories of our childhood from the old high schools and fishing spots to the church-house and various homes we lived in. It was a great afternoon that now with the help of these photos, I'll never forget. I do so love my family.
It is often joked that though Danny and Rachel didn't have a boy and a girl, they definately got one of each of their very own look-alikes in their two girls Noelle and Naomi. One shares her mother's dark hair and more serious features while the other has her daddy's smile and his mannerisms down pat. This is a beautiful family for far more many reasons than just their gorgeous looks, in that they do more than just pay lip-service to their Christian lifestyle but live it on a daily basis. This is the first family of LifePointe Church in San Antonio which was started by the Rivers family just a little over a year and half ago and already the magnitude of what they are trying to accomplish is being felt within their community as God continually blesses their efforts. I am so glad we were able to nail this photo-op down as it allowed me not only the opportunity to spend time with some dear friends of mine but to check out the San Jose Mission as well. The potential shots within the walls of this gorgeous old church community are limitless but here are a just a few of what we snagged on our afternoon out.
Mike and Sandy took on this shoot with all the amore of two teenagers in love and it was my observation that they are a perfect match. I've had the pleasure of "shooting" their kids and grandbaby before and was so happy to be able to add them to their family's portfolio with BrandyRose Photography. A gorgeous rose garden located inside of San Antonio was the perfect set-up for this couple's session and we three had a great time checking out what the local nursery had to offer along with the numerous back-drops we had to choose from. Our adventure wrapped in a dried out river bottom where Mike quickly pointed out the remains of a good size snake-skin that had been recently shed. To say the least, we were a tad more careful for the remaining portion of the pictures. Ah, the joys of shooting in the "wild". =) Enjoy!
I am beyond excited to finally be able to share with you just a few of the bridal portraits of a newly wedded Courtney Benninghoff Rose. (Love her new last name btw!=) We rocked Hermann Park and downtown Houston, TX for this special occasion. Courtney's dress was a vintage eBay steal and this southern belle upped the ante with the addition of some beautiful green cowboy boots when she wasn't stomping her style with just her bare feet. Despite some rocky footing amidst a public fountain, crazy traffic making their way to an Astro's game and threatening weather, we stayed the course for a very full photo-op and managed to come away with some of my most favorite bridal portraits to date! Look for Courtney and her groom Darren's wedding pics to be posted soon and meanwhile, check out this radiant redhead working the lens from head to toe!
I love photography and was blessed with the opportunity to turn it into a career just a short two years ago. I've heard many people say, "if you love something don't make a job out of it" but its not a job to me. In fact, I have had abundant, wonderful opportunities that never would have been possible had I not taken the steps that have brought me where I am today. I can't wait to hear from you and look forward to capturing you and your loved ones soon.